Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sakhi Sanga Weekly Meetings

Vedic University Presents

Weekly ladies mid-day meetings:
- 9 session Discover Yourself course
- fun games - self care
- yoga - henna
- kirtans, devotional arts and lots of warmth!
Monday mid-day sessions , January 28th, Timings: 11:00am to 12:30pm
Venue:Bellevue@Foothill Commons

Note slight change in Venue:

852 136th Ave NE Apt 5-101
Bellevue, WA -98005
from the leasing office go west towards the dead end of the complex and you will see BLDG 5 around the corner

13702 ne 9th place Apt 11307,Bellevue WA 98075

Let us know if you need free child care.
Questions? ,Follow us on :
Ekta Gupta: 425 947 5724(H),425 753 3656(C)
Navakishori dd: 425 996 7079(H),425 894 2140(C)