Weekly Meetings

Dear Ladies,

Hare Krishna. Hope you had a great summer. We are eagerly looking forward to resuming Sakhi Sanga classes from Monday 9th September, 10:45 to 12:45pm. 
Please join us and feel free to bring your friends as well.
We hope you have all completed your summer assignment of reading the Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita. If not you can read it at this link http://vedabase.com/en/bg/introduction or directly from the book. We will do a quick recap of the Introduction followed by verse by verse study of the Bhagavad Gita starting at Chapter 1.
Looking forward to seeing all of you.
Yours in Service,
Namita/ Navakishori devi dasi(425 894 2140) and Ekta(425 753 3656)
Please note change in Apartment and building number below
Bellevue @Foothill Commons
13702 NE 9th place
Bldg number 11
Apt number 105
Bellevue, WA -98005
Adjacent to the leasing office


  1. Dear Navakishori, Hare Krsna. May Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada bless you for your efforts. We would love to have your association on the Dharmapatni Forum, which is a secret group on Facebook. Please let me know if you would be willing to join us. Your grateful admirer, Phalini devi dasi (ACBSP)

    1. yes please . I am grateful for your encouragement and invitation

    2. Hare Krishna Prabhu,


      This is navakishori devi dasi. I recd a message from "Phalini Devi Dasi ACBSP" on my blog sakhisanga.blogspot.com.
      Wished to connect with you.

      Thank you for your encouragement and invitation.

      We have also created a website for women www.bhaktiwomen.org and also have a youtube channel with short videos about womanhood examples from srimad Bhagavatam.


      your servant,
      Navakishori devi dasi


