Monday, June 3, 2013

Seminar on Stress Incontinence

We are very grateful to Shweta Kolhatkar a licensed Physical Therapist, who has  agreed to speak on the topic "Stress Incontinence" for our benefit as we all face this type of problem sometime in our lives.Please feel free to share this invite with your friends

Dates will be:

Bellevue:  6/17, Monday 11:15 to 12:15 followed by Lunch. (Foothill Commons. 852 136th Ave NE Apt 5-101  Bellevue, WA -98005   Phone number:425 502 9791   )

VCC Samammish:-   6/11- Tuesday 10:00am to 11:00am followed by Kirtans

Free Admission

Stress incontinence is the loss of small amounts of urine associated with coughinglaughingsneezingexercising.

 One in every three women in any age group, although commonly post-pregnancy and menopausal women are suffering from undiagnosedstress incontinenceDespite its prevalence, approximately 60% of women suffering from urinary incontinence do not seek professional help for their condition due to the belief that it is an embarrassment and it is a natural consequence of ageing and childbirth. Loss of adequate control on urinary bladder is called as STRESS INCONTINENCE or OVERACTIVE BLADDER.  

The seminar by Shweta will cover the following points: 
1) What is stress incontinence?
2) Why it is abnormal to dribble urine ?                                                                                                                                    
3) What are the consequences if not dealt with it at early stage? 
4) How can you prevent it ? 
5) What are the exercises to control the situation? 
6) Other methods to control the incontinence
7) When and where  to seek help?