Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Your Place of Residence and the three modes of material nature

 the place if residence could be in mode of ignorance, if the house is not clean its dirty its smelling, laundry just thrown all over, cockroaches around then the house will develop ignorance, cultivation of ignorance, house is dark not enough light, ok then another. The house could also be passionate house everything is dazzling, shining, cultivation of passion, house could be good also, even kind of pet you use, even these 3 modes of material nature they have their own colors. Ignorance is represented by black color, passion – red, goodness - white. So from the color also we could immediately say O! This black, but this doesn’t apply to Krishna. So house could be also, the place of residence could be ignorant, could influence you and make you ignorant, passionate or mode of goodness or your house could also cultivate pure mode of goodness, you have a good house at the country side, greenery around, flowers around, cool breeze flowing, no dogs making noise, there is no sign beware of dogs. Beware of dogs means house is ignorant and house is passionate bho…bho…..(Dogs sound).
If sahanai is being played that is good house, but as soon as you have temple in the house immediately that house is transcendental house. Off course you have to keep not only temple clean but your kitchen should be as clean as the temple, your temple room not this temple. Your house has a temple, altar keep that clean and kitchen is also clean, house is clean, the music is being played “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare” (maharaj singing Prabhupada tune) you could get little machine now in few hundred rupees, Prabhupada,s tape, 24 hours, some devotees 24 hours their house is purified by chanting Hare Krishna by Prabhupada. So your house could be in 3 modes of material nature and in such a house you stay in ignorant house you stay and you cultivate mode of ignorance and Vaikuntha like house you stay in that will have influence on you, your mind, your intelligence, your ego will evaporate or dismantle, “dasosmi – I am servant, “dasanu das” ok then what else is influencing us?


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